Develop Your Signature Speech Workshop: Learn to attract new clients, expand your network and leverage opportunities! (Wednesday, December 7, 2016)

Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur or professional who is looking to connect with your ideal clients and grow your network? Speaking engagements are an excellent way to connect with potential clients and expand your professional network. A signature speech is a presentation that outlines your key area of expertise when you are invited to speak at events. Developing your signature speech can help you to leverage your speaking engagements to connect with potential clients, maximize sales and other opportunities.
Developing your signature speech ensures that you are ready to speak on your area of expertise at a moment’s notice and attract potential clients and opportunities to you. In this hour long introductory workshop, you will learn tips, techniques and strategies on how to develop your signature speech.
In the workshop you will learn:
• An overview of the fundamentals of public speaking.
• The elements that you need to develop your signature speech.
• Develop the components of your signature speech.
• How to research your ideal target audience.
• What you can do before your presentation to ensure that you maximize your speaking engagement.
• What you can do during your presentation to connect with potential clients and your audience.
• What you can do after your presentation in order to collect leads, maximize opportunities for sales and develop your network.
This is an introductory 1 hour workshop conducted on behalf of the Pink Portfolio Group on December 7th, 2016. In the new year Deborah will conduct a more in depth workshop on How To Develop Your Signature Speech. She is also available for 1:1 customized presentation skills coaching and can assist with presentation design and development of your signature speech.
To register for the introductory workshop you can register here.
Signature Speech Workshop
To contact Deborah for personalized coaching and consulting services please call 416-546-3390 or email
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