The Art of Empowerment: Be Audacious!

Say it out loud the word audacity! It feels good, doesn’t it? The general definition of audacity is boldness. I would say that is it boldness taken up a notch. Are you an audacious person? Do you have the audacity to be seen, to be heard, for who you truly are? Can you own your brilliance? In other words, can you embody that boldness that is required to start a business? Or be vulnerable? Or to step outside of your comfort zone to speak in front of an audience to demonstrate your talents and expertise.

People are scared of stepping outside of their comfort zone and trying something new. They are fearful of being ridiculed or of being judged. Public speaking and communicating effectively are essential skills you will need to learn in order to get your message out into the world. If you don’t learn to be audacious, you’ll miss out on many of life’s opportunities.

In life, I believe in being respectful and treating people with dignity. Sometimes in life though being a little edgy in a good way can help you move towards your goals. If the circumstances in your life have prevented you from pursuing your goals or you feel stuck perhaps it is time to bring boldness or audacity back into your life. Many of us are people pleasers who look to others to approve of the choices and the decisions that we make in our lives. If you want to live a life that you truly love realize that it is only you who needs to approve of the decisions and the choices in your life. We conform by seeking approval because we want to be accepted. Learn to accept and approve of yourself. You don’t need anyone to determine your worth. You were made by the Divine. Breaking the bonds of conformity and being truly who you are requires audacity. You are being audacious when you stand in your authentic truth.

Be audacious and commit to owning your power. Owning your power means taking the full responsibility for the choices and results in your life. Conformity is not your friend. When you listen to Divine Guidance you will know what steps to take to make the life of your dreams come true. Listening to Divine Guidance will allow you to be that audacious person who stands fully in your power. When you are audacious enough to fully own your power, you know that you have the power of choice to make your goals and dreams come true. Know that you are worthy to pursue your dreams. In other words, it’s time to start owning your brilliance and the value that you bring to the world. Be audacious and let the love and gifts you bring to the world shine in all their glory!

As published in Sibyl Magazine: For the Spirit and Soul of a Woman (July 2016 issue)

Toastmasters: Transforming Lives!

Toastmasters International is an organization that has the power to transform the lives of individuals.  Toastmasters is a leading, global non-profit organization dedicated to improving the communication and leadership skills of its members. Through its individual clubs (over 300,000 members worldwide) members develop their communication and leadership skills in a supportive environment while contributing to the personal development of their fellow members.

As a member for many years, Toastmasters means many things to me. It means: personal transformation, leadership and communication skills development, service, excellence, dedication, fun, friendship and camaraderie. At its core; however, to me Toastmasters is really about service and empowerment. By participating in Toastmasters programs members are empowered to become authentic communicators and leaders. In others words, they are empowered to become who they were truly meant to be while serving others.

The organization started in 1924 by Ralph Smedley. Since that time (for over 90 years) the organization has helped over 3,000,000 men and women worldwide to develop their leadership and communication skills in a supportive environment. While there is an organizational structure in place, it’s the members that are at the apex or the top of the organization.

How Toastmasters works is that members join a home club. Every week, bi-weekly or monthly members come together in the club environment to develop their communication and leadership skills. Members deliver speeches both prepared and impromptu. An important part of the program is learning how to deliver effective feedback through the evaluation of speeches and various components of the meeting. Members develop their leadership and communication skills, along with critical thinking, meeting facilitation, feedback skills among other skills in this supportive environment.

Toastmasters helped me to develop my communication and leadership skills to the advanced level. I have won awards for public speaking. It’s a beautiful thing to witness when members bring their potential to fruition. Through mentoring and coaching members, I’ve seen this beautiful development first hand as members become their true selves as leaders. A personal transformation does occur.

Members take the communication and leadership skills they have developed and use them to affect positive change. Members positively impact their families, friendships, their workplaces, volunteer organizations and their communities. I’ll always be a passionate ambassador and advocate for Toastmasters as I believe that it helps to make the world a better place for all.

What about you? How has belonging to Toastmasters or another volunteer service organization impacted your life?

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The Power of Mentoring

Mentors are incredibly powerful. A mentor is an experienced person with an area of expertise who provides support, constructive feedback and encouragement to an individual usually with less experience in a specific area. The purpose could be for career advancement, personal growth and skill development. It is a true gift when mentors generously share their knowledge and expertise with you.

The individual to whom the mentor provides support to is called the mentee. A mentor provides to the mentee: advice, expertise in a specialized area, support, encouragement, and practical strategies to achieve goals. Mentors also receive benefits through personal growth and developing their leadership and communication skills.

I’ve been blessed to have several mentors in my life. As a speaker, I’ve had mentors who have helped me to develop professional level platform speaking skills. In turn, I’ve helped to mentor and coach several people throughout my life. It’s very rewarding to be a mentor to help another person develop personally and professionally.

As a leader, you will be called upon or you might decide to offer your expertise, experience, knowledge and skills to assist another person in their development.

There are various types of mentorship formats available including: formal, informal, and peer mentoring. Below are some good rules of practice that can help guide and encourage you to have a successful mentoring relationship, whether you are the mentor or mentee. They are:

1. Respect
Being mutually respectful in terms of behaviour, words and attitude helps to consolidate goodwill in the mentoring relationship. Mentees want to develop their communication and leadership skills in an environment that is positive, supportive, and respectful. Likewise, mentors want to be respected for their expertise and knowledge.

Mentors function as a support system and it’s very important that both the mentor and mentee follow through on their individual commitments. For example, if contact between the mentor and mentee is to occur every week by phone or email, both parties should ensure that commitment occurs.

3. Establish Regular Contact
As a mentee, ensure that you are in regular contact with your mentor. Establish regular times that you will speak or meet with each other. Regular meetings could occur through email, telephone or in person. From the start establish a routine. As mentors typically have busy schedules, sometimes the mentee may have to be the one to reach out more frequently. Likewise, mentors should check in with their mentees periodically.

4. Patience
The old adage that “patience is a virtue” rings true especially in a mentoring relationship. It would be wise if both individuals learn to have patience with each other. This is especially true in the beginning stages, when the mentor and mentee are getting to know each other and setting goals.

5. Empathy and Compassion
As human beings, we do the best that we can on any given day. Our backgrounds, standards, beliefs and opinions will be different from one another. Through empathy and compassion, we can learn to respect each other and celebrate our differences.

6. Learn About Strengths and Areas for Improvement
The mentor and the mentee each bring strengths and areas for improvement to the relationship. Focus on what each person does well and capitalize on those strengths. On the other hand, realize that each person has areas that are in need of improvement. Pay attention to those areas and work on improving them. Learn to work together to develop a realistic plan for improvements over time.

7. Trust
In order to build trust and rapport, matters discussed within the mentoring relationship should remain confidential between the parties.

8. Honest and Constructive Feedback
In order to improve communication skills, leadership skills or any other skill the mentor must be willing to give honest, open, fair and constructive feedback to the mentee. If you “sugar coat” your feedback, your mentee will not improve their communication and leadership skills. If you are too harsh in your feedback, it could damage a person’s self esteem. Always leave the mentee something positive to take away from your interaction. Delivering specific feedback with examples of what was done well and what could be improved will help the mentee to improve and reach their goals.

9. Productivity
We live in a time where everyone is busy juggling multiple commitments. Time is precious and no one likes to waste their time. When you’re in a mentoring relationship, ensure that productive meetings occur. For that to happen, have clear agenda items that will be discussed during your meetings to ensure maximum productivity.

10. Set Goals
At the beginning of the mentorship relationship meet regularly to set clear and achievable goals. Throughout the mentoring period, both the mentee and the mentor should monitor those goals. Keep track of goals by documenting or writing them down so that progress towards goals can be measured.

Mentoring is an experience that is ultimately rewarding. It’s an experience where people come together to grow and inspire each to develop a skill or ability and to strive for excellence.

What about you? How have the mentors in your life impacted you? Take the time to thank those who have helped you to develop a skill or an ability by generously sharing their expertise, knowledge, connections and advice with you. It’s a gift when someone graciously takes you under their tutelage to help you learn and grow.

On the other hand, have you thought about becoming a mentor? Each of us has gifts, skills, abilities and talents that we can use to help other people reach their goals. When you become a mentor, you just might change someone’s life! We want to hear from you. Share an experience about the impact of mentors in your life or your experience as a mentor.

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