Before speaking before an audience, you may feel nervous before presenting. In order to help alleviate some of that nervousness, there are several things that you can do in advance that will help you to be more confident the day that you are presenting. Below is a checklist with several tips listed that can help you to perform your best. If you know that you are presenting weeks or days in advance, there are several things that you can do in order to set yourself up for success. They are:

• Be knowledgeable about the subject matter.
• Prepare your speech well in advance.
• Know your audience demographics in advance i.e. conduct an assessment/research.
• Survey your audience members using tools like Survey Monkey etc.
• Build your credibility by knowing the image that you want to convey.
• Practice enough so that you are knowledgeable about the subject matter without notes. The goal is not to memorize verbatim. The goal is to know your speech well enough that you have a structure that you can follow.
• Know what your practical and visualization strategies are for success.
• Obtain feedback on your speech from people that you know and trust.
• Record your presentation and review the video.
• Ensure your handouts and PowerPoint presentation are prepared well in advance.
• Ensure that you have enough marketing collateral on hand i.e. brochures, postcards, and business cards.
• Connect with your host in advance to discuss the contract, the location/venue and the audio-visual requirements and details such as whether you can you make an offer or have a draw etc.
By following these tips and implementing your own, you will have a greater chance of delivering an excellent speech when you are scheduled to present. Preparing well in advance will help you to become a more confident and dynamic speaker.
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